International students getting into the Christmas Spirit

Many RMISP communities kick off the winter holiday season with parades and tree lighting events. We love to see our international students get involved in these traditional holiday activities. Among the many community events offered throughout our region were Kimberley's Platzl Light Up, Cranbrook's Santa Claus Parade, and Invermere's Light Up Celebration & Santa Claus Parade.
These events typically include Santa arriving on a fire truck, Christmas carols, hot chocolate, candy canes and lots of lights. In Kimberley, members of the school choir performed and in Invermere, students and host families decorated a float and walked and rode along the parade route wishing locals a Merry Christmas.
Karola, a student at Laurie Middle School, attended the Santa Claus Parade in Cranbrook:
"That's something we don't usually do in Mexico, so it was really exciting but also cold. It was really fun to go with my friends and I enjoyed it so much."