Student Blog
A New Year in Canada by Clara V.

I am writing this text right at the beginning of a new year. 2022. Last year was a bit strange (due to difficult situations), and above all because I came to Canada! For me it was something absolutely new, but I was delighted to be able to end the year 2021 surrounded by mountains and lots of snow. I spent the last day of the year skiing and the truth is that it was very beautiful. It was a beautiful day without clouds and with very good views. We watched the sun rise, and the mountains have never been so beautiful. But it was a bit cold (-26 degrees).
Spending the end of the year in Canada has made me reflect a lot. I have never spent a New Year's Eve away from home (or a Christmas without my family), but this different experience has made me change my vision of many things. Now I am also very excited to start this new year in Canada. And although I will finish it in my country, I will never forget what this experience has given me. I'm learning a lot.
When I came to Canada, I had two goals that I wanted to fulfill: to learn English, and to see very beautiful things. And now I'm happy because this experience, apart from teaching me English and enjoying the wonderful views I have every day, has given me many more things (and I'm sure it will give me more). I am growing as a person. I am learning to value, to be independent, and to love and value myself. I am also happy for the life that awaits me when I return, and that is good, because I don't think it will make me very sad when I have to leave.
But now I want to focus on the present and enjoy every moment of my stay here. Because time passes quickly (it is passing too fast for me), and I will have time to think about the future in five months, but now I want to enjoy it to the fullest.
Photo and blog post submitted by Clara from Spain, a grade 10 student at Golden Secondary School.