Student Blog
My Great Canadian Experience: Terry Fox Run

by Gillian from Germany
Today was the Terry Fox Run at school and my friend and I were super happy doing it together though it was cold and rainy. But I love the message behind it and I had a lot of fun running for people which were super important to me, and for something that has great importance to Canada.
I feel that Terry's story is very interesting and also heartbreaking so it was of even greater importance to me to do it. It was nice but exhausting, but it definitely was worth it.
After the run we had an interesting time listening to Terry's brother Fred who was willing to answer our questions and gave us an insight on Terry's life and his goals and what he reached while running around Canada. For him it was important that everyone together finishes his goals to running around Canada.
To me it is super cool that it became a tradition and all students go and do the run. This is what fascinates me a lot. For me it was a very nice learning about it, considering it is part of Canada and also kind of something that is part of their culture. Terry Fox is a Canadian legend and now a big idol of Canadian teens and residents. For me it was also nice doing it with my friends from school as it provided an opportunity to talk to them and learn more about it. We had lots of fun running/walking around Sparwood and learning about his achievements and his dreams. The ways his story ended was heartbreaking but teaching and encouraging. People now get drawn to finish his story by running with the school and honouring him and his dreams.
Photo and blog post submitted by Gillian, a grade 10 student at Sparwood Secondary School.