Student Blog
My Great Canadian Experience: First snowfall

by Cristina from Spain
I chose this photo because it was the first time that it has snowed in Cranbrook while I'm here. Also it was the first time that I saw snow in October. Where I live, in Madrid, it never snows.
I was so happy that my host siblings and I started playing with the snow, doing a snow ball fight everyone against everyone, and we made our first snowman of the winter and my first snowman while I am at Cranbrook.
In this photo l'm with Lauren, my host sister, she is my age and we get along so much we took some photos together although I only have one with Lauren and the rest with Brooke, my little host sister and Matilde, the other exchange student that is with me.
We had so much fun, that after playing in the snow we went inside and drink a hot chocolate while singing Christmas songs, it was so fun.
Also as all the streets were with snow, I had the feeling that it was Christmas.
From that day l'm so excited for Christmas, because I have the feeling that it's going to be so cool and fun playing all together with a hot chocolate and remembering the first day that snow. This day I was kind of bored, because at school we didn’t do anything fun, so the afternoon really cheered me up.
It was important as to me that we had some hot chocolate after playing in the cold because then the cold isn`t the most important thing that you are thinking about.
Photo and blog post submitted by Cristina from Spain, a grade 9 student at Laurie Middle School in Cranbrook.