Student Blog
Blue Lake Camp by Elisa F.

On March 5th, I drove with other exchange students from Kimberley and Elk Valley to Blue Lake Camp near Fairmont Hot Springs. After an hour and a half bus ride we finally arrived. First, we were shown the accommodations and then we put on our winter clothes. After lunch, half of the exchange students played community games and the other half tried to make fires. In the group games, for example, we had to jump from a marked spot to a certain area with a rope without touching the ground, or balance together on a large board. After about an hour my group also wanted to make a fire so we gathered branches and did our best but as the snow was so wet we just couldn't make it. However, all other groups were successful. After about two hours we made our way back to our quarters. Next, we tried our best at ice fishing but unfortunately, we didn't catch any fish - instead a Whiskey Jack landed on my hand.
While the other exchange students had free time, 5 others and I helped prepare dinner. After dinner we played a game called “Green Light Red Light” and we ended the evening with marshmallow cookies and cocoa around the campfire. It was very cold at night because we forgot to put wood in the stove and the mattresses were very uncomfortable. The next morning, we packed our things and I helped prepare breakfast. After breakfast we could either snowshoe around the lake, go ice fishing again or go sledding. Unfortunately, the camp was already over and we packed our lunch for the drive home. Thanks to all the exchange students who were there - it was very funny!