Student Blog
My favourite subject in Canada by Kathrin K.

In the first half of my stay here, my favourite subject in school was for sure art. Our teacher was great, and I loved all the assignments we did. I think the most challenging on for me was drawing portraits. I picked my brother, because it was the first picture of someone who didn’t have wrinkles I found in my camera roll, but it turned out he did have some wrinkles I needed to draw. The first couple of sketches didn’t quite look like him, but the final one turned out better than I thought, and he liked it too. The art that I enjoyed the most was pottery. I did it three times in this class. The first time our assignment was to create a set of something, so I made two cereal bowls. Then right before Christmas break we made Christmas tree ornaments. I made a Christmas tree, a snowman, and two snowflakes. The last time I did it was for my final project, and that time I made a mug. It was really hard to make, and I restarted like a hundred times, because I never liked the way it turned out. I am still not fully satisfied with the final result. I enjoyed the process of creating all my pottery, it was so calming. Painting the pottery was tricky, because we had to do three layers of colour, and letting it dry each time took way too long. I will definitely look for a class in pottery or something like that when I am back in Germany, just because I loved it so much. Another type of art that we tried out was water colour painting and ink drawings. At first I found it kind of hard to do because I always stained everything with the ink, but after a while I figured it out and it was really fun. These were just my favourites of all the things we did in this class, we tried out a lot more things. I really loved my art class and I am still kind of sad I don’t have it any more.
Photo and blog post submitted by Kathrin, who is enjoying Grade 11 at Fernie Secondary School.